Year |
---- |
Nominal Price |
---- |
---- |
Sources: U.S.
Hourly Compensation
---- |
---- |
Time Price = Nominal Price ÷ Hourly Compensation
Time Price in Hours
---- |
---- |
---- |
---- |
Start Year Indexed to 1, End Year = Start Time Price divided by End Year Time
Personal-Level Multiplier
1 |
---- |
---- |
---- |
Source: U.N. Population Division, estimates and projections
---- |
---- |
Start Year Indexed to 1, End Year = End Year Time Price multiplied by (1 plus
the percentage change in population)
Population-Level Multiplier
1 |
---- |
---- |
---- |
Personal Level |
Population Level |
End Year Multiplier raised to the power of (1 divided by Years) - 1
Compound Annual Growth Rate
---- |
---- |
70 divided by Compound Annual Growth Rate
Years to Double
---- |
---- |
Percentage Change in abundance divided by percentage change in population
Elasticity of Population
---- |
---- |